
  1. Bootstrap test procedure for variance components in nonlinear mixed effects models in the presence of nuisance parameters and singular Fisher Information Matrix. T. Guédon, C. Baey, E. Kuhn (2023). [arxiv]
  2. Verbal statistical learning: Prior knowledge impacts word identification but not metacognition. Zmuda, Baey, Mairano, Basirat (2020). [PsyArXiv]


  1. Efficient preconditioned stochastic gradient descent for estimation in latent variable models. C. Baey, M. Delattre, E. Kuhn, J.B. Leger, S. Lemler. International Conference in Machine Learning (ICML), 2023. [OpenReview]
  2. varTestnlme: an R package for variance components testing in linear and nonlinear mixed-effects models. C. Baey, E. Kuhn (2022). Journal of Statistical Software. [journal]
  3. Calibration of a bumble bee foraging model using Approximate Bayesian Computation. C. Baey, H. G. Smith, M. Rundlöf, O. Olsson, Y. Clough, U. Sahlin. Ecological Modelling, 477: 110251, 2022. [journal]
  4. Asymptotic distribution of likelihood ratio test statistics for variance components in nonlinear mixed effects models. C. Baey, P.-H. Cournède, E. Kuhn. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 135:107-122, 2019 [journal]
  5. Mixed-effects estimation in dynamic models of plant growth for the assessment of inter-individual variability. C. Baey, A. Mathieu, A. Jullien, S. Trevezas, and P.-H. Cournède. Journal of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Statistics, 23(2):208-232, 2018. [journal]
  6. A model to account for data dependency when estimating floral cover in different land use types over a season. C. Baey, U. Sahlin, Y. Clough, H. G. Smith. Environmental and Ecological Statistics, 24(4):505-527, 2017. [journal]
  7. Predicting pollinator capital and pollination service responses to enhancing floral and nesting resources. J. Haussler, U. Sahlin, C. Baey, H. G. Smith and Y. Clough. Ecology and evolution, 7(6):1898-1908, 2017. [journal]
  8. A nonlinear mixed effects model of plant growth and estimation via stochastic variants of the EM algorithm. C. Baey, S. Trevezas, and P.-H. Cournède. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 45(6):1643-1669, 2016. [journal] [hal]
  9. Parametrization of five classical plant growth models applied to sugar beet and comparison of their predictive capacities (on root yield and total biomass. C. Baey, A. Didier, S. Lemaire, F. Maupas, and P.-H. Cournède. Ecological Modelling, 290:11-20, 2014. [journal] [hal]
  10. Development and Evaluation of Plant Growth Models: Methodology and Implementation in the PYGMALION platform. P.-H. Cournède, Y. Chen, Q. Wu, C. Baey, and B. Bayol. Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena, 8(4):112-130, 2013. [journal] [hal]
  11. Modelling the interindividual variability of organogenesis in sugar beet populations using a hierarchical segmented model. C. Baey, A. Didier, S. Lemaire, F. Maupas, and P.-H. Cournède. Ecological Modelling, 263:56-63, 2013. [journal] [hal]

Applications in medecine

  1. Should adjuvant radiotherapy be administered in addition to front-line aggressive surgery (FAS) in patients with primary retroperitoneal sarcoma ? Le Péchoux, Musat, Baey, Mokhles, Terrier, Domont, Le Cesne, Laplanche, and Bonvalot. Annals of Oncology, 1-6, 2012.
  2. Efficacy, safety, and biomarkers of single-agent bevacizumab therapy in patients with advanced hepatocellular carcinoma. Boige, Malka, Bourredjem, Dromain, Baey, Jacques, Pignon, Vimond, Bouvet-Forteau, and De Baere. The Oncologist, 17(8) :1063-1072, 2012.
  3. Effect of chemotherapy in patients with resected small-cell or large-cell neuroendocrine carcinoma. Abedallaa, Tremblay, Baey, Fabre, Planchard, Pignon, Guigay, Le Pechoux, Soria, and de Montpreville. Journal of Thoracic Oncology, 7(7) :1179-1183, 2012.
  4. Evaluation of heart murmurs in chinchillas (chinchilla lanigera) : 59 cases (1996 - 2009). Pignon, Sanchez-Migallon Guzman, Sinclair, Baey, Pignon, Maier, Kittleson, and Paul-Murphy. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 241(10) :1344-1347, 2012.
  5. Meta-analysis of chemotherapy in head and neck cancer (MACH-NC) : A comprehensive analysis by tumour site. Blanchard, Baujat, Holostenco, Bourredjem, Baey, Bourhis, and Pignon. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 100(1) :33-40, 2011.
  6. Mixed treatment comparison meta-analysis of altered fractionated radiotherapy and chemotherapy in head and neckcancer. Blanchard, Hill, Guihenneuc-Jouyaux, Baey, Bourhis, and Pignon. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 2011.
  7. Docetaxel- and 5-FU-concurrent radiotherapy in patients presenting unresectable locally advanced pancreatic cancer : a FNCLCC-ACCORD/0201 randomized phase II trial’s pre-planned analysis and case report of a 5.5-year disease-free survival. Oberic, Viret, Baey, Ychou, Bennouna, Adenis, Peiffert, Mornex, Pignon, Celier, Berille, and Ducreux. Radiation Oncology, 6 :124, 2011.
  8. Effect of a misspecification of response rates on type I and type II errors, in a phase II Simon design. Baey and Le Deley. European Journal of Cancer, 47(11):1647-1652, 2011.