Since 2017, I’ve been an assistant professor (maîtresse de conférence) at Laboratoire Paul Painlevé (Université de Lille). I am interested in applied and computational statistics. More precisely, my research interests lie in:

  • parametric estimation in complex models
  • nonlinear mixed-effects models
  • latent variables models
  • EM-type algorithms
  • bayesian analysis and MCMC algorithms

I’ve mostly worked with applications in medicine, agronomy, ecology, and plant science.


  • March 14th 2025 : let’s celebrate international \pi day and women in maths! Evénement à destination des étudiant.e.s de licence, autour d”un exposé grand public, d’une table ronde sur les métiers des mathématiques et de l’exposition Mathématique, informatique, avec elles !. Inscription et programme ici.

  • December 5th 2024 : PhD defense of Tom Guédon (at Institut Mathématique d’Orsay).

Current projects

I’m currently part of the ANR-funded project Stat4Plant, coordinated by Estelle Kuhn, and I also participate in the ANR-funded project EntrainPark, coordinated by Anahita Basirat.

More details here.


You can find my resume here (in French).

Between October 2016 and August 2017, I was a post-doctoral student in the Biomathematics team of MICS laboratory.

From june 2015 to September 2016, I was a post-doctoral student in the Center for Environmental and Climate Research at Lund University (Sweden). I was working on ecosystem services modelling at the landscape scale.

From April 2014 to May 2015, I was a post-doctoral student at the Institut de Modélisation des Systèmes Vivants (IMSV, Paris-Saclay). I was working on modelling of genetotypic variability in plant populations.

From 2010 to 2014, I was a PhD student in Ecole Centrale Paris, in the Digiplante team of MAS laboratory. I defended my thesis on February 28th 2014. Here is a link to the manuscript (in french).