Since 2017, I’ve been an assistant professor (maîtresse de conférence) at Laboratoire Paul Painlevé (Université de Lille). I am interested in applied and computational statistics. More precisely, my research interests lie in:
- parametric estimation in complex models
- nonlinear mixed-effects models
- latent variables models
- EM-type algorithms
- bayesian analysis and MCMC algorithms
I’ve mostly worked with applications in medicine, agronomy, ecology, and plant science.
March 14th 2025 : let’s celebrate international
day and women in maths! Evénement à destination des étudiant.e.s de licence, autour d”un exposé grand public, d’une table ronde sur les métiers des mathématiques et de l’exposition Mathématique, informatique, avec elles !. Inscription et programme ici.
December 5th 2024 : PhD defense of Tom Guédon (at Institut Mathématique d’Orsay).
Current projects
I’m currently part of the ANR-funded project Stat4Plant, coordinated by Estelle Kuhn, and I also participate in the ANR-funded project EntrainPark, coordinated by Anahita Basirat.
More details here.
You can find my resume here (in French).
Between October 2016 and August 2017, I was a post-doctoral student in the Biomathematics team of MICS laboratory.
From june 2015 to September 2016, I was a post-doctoral student in the Center for Environmental and Climate Research at Lund University (Sweden). I was working on ecosystem services modelling at the landscape scale.
From April 2014 to May 2015, I was a post-doctoral student at the Institut de Modélisation des Systèmes Vivants (IMSV, Paris-Saclay). I was working on modelling of genetotypic variability in plant populations.
From 2010 to 2014, I was a PhD student in Ecole Centrale Paris, in the Digiplante team of MAS laboratory. I defended my thesis on February 28th 2014. Here is a link to the manuscript (in french).